Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

总是想让自己看起来很坚强  因为清楚自己并不能干

总是不轻易的显露担心害怕  因为讨厌自己懦弱的模样

总是希望完美的隐藏悲伤失落 却矛盾的想从你身上得到安慰

总是习惯装作一副不以为意的样子 自以为那样不会受创

总是喜欢发问为什么 因为开始不自不觉想对你了解更多
总是想追上你的脚步 竟然会那么担心你的背影会突然消失

听你说要陪伴我那一刻 其实我是出乎意料的高兴

你说你要证明的一切 其实这个动作真的可以行得通

你说得对 我是如此的自私

不意外的 你最终还是选择了留下

我会支持 也该为你想想

不想在乎别人怎么诉说你的过去 我选择了相信

只要是你说的 我不怀疑

我承认 我太仓促 我太鲁莽 我太冲动




我很彷徨 我想付出 但是我又做得了什么 

我不能放弃它 虽然它算不了什么

心 好空 有时却很凌乱

因为不安 我的情绪总是失去控制




害怕失去 害怕别离



勇敢些 笨蛋!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Arrive ma home around 5pm,

Quite busy in working currently, have no time to rest properly

And feel stress bcuz i have 0 of sales, i'll get my warning letter soon

But this is not the matter i worry about, just because i really want to contribute to the employer

''It's ok,you are new'' Thanks for ur comfort but i will not taking this as my reason

I don't want ma manager regret of hiring me, ma friend embarrass of intoducing me to the company!

Anyway, i believe i can do better.

I hope i can always do the best in any decision i have made.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I could be an excellent actress i think

My tears were actually came to my eyes at that moment

When listening the song which sang by her


I won't show it to you

I hide it!

You're right

I don't like people showing symphaty to me

Well, i know everything will be alright...

Take it easy Mint!

There's something more important... nope, most important waiting for you tomorrow!

Be well-prepared and go for it!!

Always remember,

Do not be too dependent

Especially to guys...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Looking at the old days

When we were all together

Can't imagine that ...

I wasn't a good student last time

Liked to sleep and eat , wasted too much of time

Basketball court was my favourite area in my secondary school

Feel like it is the beginning of my diary

I went to Smk S4 for only 3 reasons

I afraid of stress where given by Catholic High School, i am definitely not a stress tolerant person

A good friend was in Smk S4 and the last one was exactly the basketball court.

I remember that...

I was an optimistic little girl when i was thirteen, have a good network of friends

But , i became cool and unfriendly started from form 3

I wonder why..  this made me lost the opportunities to know more ppl around me

I feel lucky bcuz finally i have the chance to share everything with u girls

However, my besties will never leave me alone

They will always lend me their hands when i need help

I have learned alot from you all brodas

Not going to list out all your names

You guys know who am i talking about

Yea you know!

All ma sistas & Brodas... Love you all!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finally, i understand
Is time to let it go

Happiness is what we looking for in a relationship, but not tears

I don't have to force myself to forget anything abt you

Bcuz i ..

Appreciate the moment we been together

Cherish the memories that we made it together

Bye Bye... The one who played an important role in my past

You'll be my motivation when i face difficulties or challenges

Thanks for telling me that life will be interesting and meaningful after having your own goal

I will keep going towards my dream

You too. I would like to hear from somebody that u are traveling around the world with your lovely family
members one day later

And it has also becoming my dream right now

I believe we can complete it in a short term

Bcuz i know.. as i always like to say it to you, You can do it!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He has further education background, that's why he must has more space to explore to new things

Don't you think i do not need all of these?

I do want to study, i do need more freedom

I just don't want to stay at that place everyday and doing the same thing

I have my own goal too! Is this fair?

I understand you are tired on supporting his education ,that's why i have stopped thinking about get in to college anymore

I really don't want to against you

I do have an attitude problem

I am a bad temper person

honestly i can't accept your way to correcting me

Of course you can scold me, because it shows that you are caring me

I am sure you have the qualification to ticking off me

But i afraid this could built up another wall between us

this is why i looking for another job

thought can avoid those unhappy matters happen

maybe i have choosen the wrong place for me to work

You said u will left me alone and won't think or even see me anymore

Perhaps, the only thing i can do now is achieve my dream asap

to prove you that i am not an useless person

by actions..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Well, i realize that something is actually hiding in somewhere of my heart

though it has vanished for long time

                    But it doesn't happen like what i want

          Heart is still bleeding when i feel your ugly breath

Your actions are really disturbing me!

                  Go Away! Go away from my heart please! I do not need your existence right now!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Love the feeling of learning!!

I really feel that i have changed..

Start to feel interesting in those ways which will upgrade myself

Although... i am still a lazy girl

I am not the best one

So what? i willing to try! i willing to learn!!

You all are having a invisible wing and flying into the sky

Do not limit yourself in everything

Just think about it n just do it

It will let u change the world

defy your feeling!!

(This is what Mr.Pencil told me) and i like it so much!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

凡事看开点 日子好过点

与其后悔 不如利用时间充实自己 让遗憾不再增加

最近想要开始养成看书的习惯 加油!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ms Mullai told me that i have attracted many of them today

She said i have talent on it...happy with that

I can be very funny in front of my friends

But why cant i do this in my own home?

Besides that,thank you to our group members Suet yee,Stella,Emily,Mayz Celyne and Joyce.

You girls made me feel that i am lucky because i got in to Centuria education.^^

Monday, February 1, 2010

I am happy because of having my girl friends^^

Although i don't really know their characteristic

and i don't even know anything about their past

I am not sure everything about them

But,they are my friends now!


I think that i really have to change the way of being with them

Girls are always more sensitive than guys

i know that i am careless,sorry about that

And there's so many things that i got to improve!

OMG!I wanna watch drama before doing those homework XP

P.s- Totally fall in love with Shu Uemura make up remover,no more uncomfortable after using it!^^
Today, i would like to say thanks to someone who played an important role in my past

Yes,i do agree life will be meaningful and interesting when one person got his/her vision

I do understand what were you talking about right now no matter its too late

Thanks for teaching me to become more optimistic and i have learned a lot from u especially positive thinking

I was a different person now who is having my own dream and goal

I really hope to say thank you to you face to face but i do not want to disturb you.

But, i will do it when i achieve my goal if there's an opportunity for us. XP

Dream destination: MAS

Friday, January 29, 2010

quite happy today

because i have jumped out from the other shining stars

but it was just because of they were not in a good situation today

and i know i have to put more effort on it

i must believe that i can do it more than once

Jia you!

besides that,there's also an unhappy news for me today

but,i think it's just a small matter and i will solve it asap.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


碰巧回到了从前 我们一起共用早餐


直到现在 我仍然觉得很奇妙



至于我们之间 我很清楚 都成为过去了 如今那都只是回忆


但是 我已经习惯了



因为 明天会更好的!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

past tense

it was past
it was past
it was past
it was past

how many times i gonna tell myself everyday?

everything between us are going to change into past tense

it was just a song, enable to made me cried in class?

please stop la wei! i am not suppose to be like that!

I have my main goal, i have my dream isn't?

how long time could i stop influence by u?

Monday, January 18, 2010




不该在自欺欺人 天真地以为自己还有希望

不能忘记你曾经的细心关怀备至 是我最大的致命伤 走到哪里都是你的影子


当一对恋人热恋其中 所说的话都会是好听悦耳的


越是让你感到幸福的 只会越容易让你痛心

还是要谢谢你教会了我要正面的思想 这真的给了我很大的帮助

因为你我第一次选择相信 但是却狠狠地失败了




Sunday, January 17, 2010


没有自信   最难受的是让我失去了你

没有自信   我被老板和工作伙伴看不起

没有自信   我不被负责审核的老师和同学们欣赏

没有自信   连和母亲的联系都受到牵制

再来 我会因为没有自信而失去了面试的首要条件 自动退赛

黄敏谦 到底你还要因为这胆小如鼠的自己 放弃多少 失去多少

鼓起勇气 加把劲好不好?
why? because i already consider you are one of my family members

you do not believe in eternal? It's okay. Time will prove it to you

I don't know everything, but i just know you are the one who i want to protect

what i want just go for it,do not afraid of everything,because you will stand by me


but, i cant forget all the things which u told me and did for me

You are the one who set it up, but you are the one who make it stop too

I cant do anything,but just watching u walk further,and going closer with the girl